Convert PENDLE into mPENDLE
How to convert PENDLE to mPENDLE
Last updated
How to convert PENDLE to mPENDLE
Last updated
1. Navigate to
3. Select your wallet.
4. Click mPENDLE staking to conversion of PENDLE to mPENDLE or staking - unstaking of mPENDLE tokens.
5. Enter the desired PENDLE amount for mPENDLE OR Click "MAX" to conversion of total PENDLE balance.
6. Select "Approve infinity" to not approve before every action.
7. Click "Approve"
8. Click "Smart Convert & Stake" to complete the action. ( Note: Smart Convert bonus amount can be seen on under the conversion box.)
9. Once Conversion and Staking completed, users can see their mPENDLE balance on the "Your Deposits" section on the mPENDLE Staking pool.
1. Navigate to
3. Click on your wallet
4. Click on drop-down to choose your network
5. Click "Arbitrum"(Using Arbitrum for demonstration purposes)
6. Click "Unstake"
7. Click the "0.0" field.
8. Enter the amount of mPENDLE you would like to withdraw.
9. Click "Unstake"
10. Approve the transaction in your wallet.
11. You have successfully withdrawn your mPENDLE.